Choir Members' Site

Practice Links, Positions of Responsibility, Choir Policies

Practice Links
(all underlined items, click on them)
Soprano Section
Sleigh Bells

Snow Angel

   1. Prologue

   2. Creatures of Light
   3/4. God Will Give Orders/Sweet Child
     Soprano 1
                        Soprano 2
   5. Snow Angel

                        Soprano 1
                        Soprano 2

Alto Section
     2. Creatures of Light
    3/4. God Will Give Orders/Sweet Child

                              Alto 1 
                              Alto 2

              5. Snow Angel

Tenor Section 


     2. Creatures of Light

Snow Angel

Bass Section
   2. Creatures of Light           
   3/4. God Will Give Orders/Sweet Child
            Bass 1 
            Bass 2                       
   5. Snow Angel       



The President is a voting member of the Board and is responsible for the general management and supervision of all Choir affairs. Access to a computer with internet is required. The position of President is a two-year term. 

The President will:

a)  Chair all Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting and is eligible to be an Ex-Officio member of any committee. (N.B. In case of a tie vote, the President will have a second or casting vote.)

b)  Ensure that a quorum of three (3) Directors is attained before proceeding with any Board meeting.

c)   Prepare electronically and distribute the agenda for all Board meetings to the Board members one (1) week prior to the meetings.

d)  Prepare electronically and distribute the agenda for the A.G.M. to the Board and membership two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.

e)  Act as one of the signing officers, with the Secretary and one (1) other designated officer, for any bylaws or amendments to bylaws.

f)  In consultation with the Treasurer and Board: help to set the budget; oversee the financial business of the Choir; and act as one (1) of the three (3) signing officers for financial transactions.

g)  Announce information weekly to the membership regarding the calendar, practices, up-coming events, concerts, fundraising, etc.

h)  Direct the preparation for grant proposals for projects as recommended by the Board.

i)   Ensure the Articles and By-Laws are being followed.

j)   Create an annual President’s binder to pass onto the next President and Board.

k)   Answer any questions from the public.



The Vice-President is a voting member of the Board and assumes the responsibilities of the President in their absence or inability to perform these duties. Other responsibilities may be delegated to the Vice-President by the President and/or the Board. To ensure the smooth running of the Choir, the Vice-President should be prepared to assume the role of President on the completion of their term of office as Vice-President. Consequently, the Vice-President should be an active participant in arranging Choir activities for the next year. Access to a computer with internet is required. The position of Vice-President is a two-year term.

    The Vice-President will:

a)   Attend all Board and General meetings.

b)   Act as one of the signing officers, along with the President and Treasurer, for all bank transactions.

c)  Collect and present monthly reports from the various Board committees (e.g. Social, Fundraising, and Concert) unless a committee is led by another member of the Board.

d)   Act as an Ex-Officio member of any committee as needed (e.g. Sponsorships, Grants, Concerts, Fundraising, etc.)



The Secretary is a voting member of the Board who records all minutes of the Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting and who handles all correspondence relating to Choir business. Computer skills and access to a computer with internet are required.   The position of Secretary is a two-year term.

    The Secretary will:

a)  Attend all Board and General meetings.

b)  Record, print, and distribute minutes of all Board meetings within seven (7) days of each meeting.

c)  Under the direction of the President, handle all official Choir correspondence including thank you cards, sympathy cards, and invitations.

d)  Distribute copies of the A.G.M. agenda to the general membership on the day of the meeting.

e)  Distribute minutes of the previous year’s Annual General Meeting.

f)   Record and type minutes of the Annual General Meeting.

g)  Keep and distribute to members an accurate, up-to-date membership list which includes name, address, phone number, and email.

h)  Keep a Motions Book, electronically and in a hard copy in a designated binder, containing all motions made at monthly Board meetings and the A.G.M., (including the date of the motion, who made the motion, who seconded, how many voted for, against, abstained, and whether the motion was carried).

i)   Type and print attendance sheets for all sections for the season and distribute them to the section leaders at the first practice.

j)  Act as custodian of all papers, records, contacts, correspondence and other documents belonging to the Choir and should surrender these when authorized by the Board or at the end of the Secretary’s term. 



The Treasurer is a voting member of the Board responsible for the safekeeping, disbursement, and proper documentation of all monies belonging to the Choir. As such, this individual should have knowledge of basic bookkeeping practices, computer accounting program knowledge (Excel or some similar program), and access to a computer. The position of Treasurer is a two-year term.

    The Treasurer will:

a)   Attend all Board Meetings and the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) and vote on all motions made.

b)  Manage all monies owing to the Choir e.g. membership donation dues, concert revenue, fundraising income, sponsorships, and grants. Funds should be deposited in the financial institution that has been chosen by the Board in a timely fashion.

c) Pay all bills incurred by committees or individual members during their Choir duties provided these expenses have been approved by the Board.

d) Pay the Music Director and Accompanist all monies owing according to the stipulations in their contracts (considering rehearsals, extra rehearsals, practice recordings and concerts).

e) Maintain full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements along with hard copies in a Books of Account, clearly indicating the date. As well, electronic files for daily bank journal, expense and revenue, and monthly income statements should be stored in a computer programme approved by the Board for all six (6) years prior to the current fiscal year.

f)  Along with the President and/or one other designated member of the Board, act as a signing officer for all banking transactions.

g)  Prepare and present a financial report for the monthly Board meeting and a year-end report for the Annual General Meeting.

h)  In consultation with the President, prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board at the April Board Meeting and by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.

i)   Prepare the Books of Account for fiscal year-end auditing.

j)   Advise the Secretary and Librarian when new members pay their dues.


The Executive Officer is a voting Board member. The President is first offered an opportunity to stand for this position for one (1) year after completing their 2-year term to allow a smooth transition and continuity in Choir activities. If the Past-President is not available, shows no interest, or has another position on the executive, any other paying member in good standing can be voted into this position. Computer skills and access to a computer are required. The position of Executive Officer is a one-year term. 

    The Executive Officer will:

a)  Attend all monthly Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) and vote on all motions made.

b)  Chair and/or assist on sub-committees as needed e.g. Fundraising, Christmas Concert, Cabaret. When acting as a chairperson, share brief monthly updates at Board meetings.

c)  Chair the Nominating Committee prior to the year-end Annual General Meeting to find people who are willing to put their names forward for a position on the executive.



The Member-at-Large is an elected, ex-officio (non-voting) representative who acts as a liaison and spokesperson between the membership and executive. The Member-at-Large is a one-year term. 

    The Member-at-Large will:

a)   Be invited to monthly Board meetings but not required to attend.

b) Collect Choir members’ concerns/suggestions and relay them to the Board (anonymously if preferred by the member submitting it). The Member-at-Large will relay any Board response back to the member and keep all information confidential.

c)   Fill a vacated Board position until the end of the season.

d)  Be eligible to chair committees and/or assist as needed (e.g. fundraising, Christmas concert, spring cabaret). When acting as a Chair, share brief monthly reports at Board meetings.



In collaboration with the Board, the Music Director leads and articulates the artistic vision, mission, and focus of Cantorion Choir, which is a non-auditioned community Choir. The Music Director is accountable to the Board and needs its approval in all aspects of the position.    

    The Music Director will:

a)  Adhere to the Articles and Bylaws of the Choir.

b)  Develop an artistic plan for the season.

c)   Adhere to the annual music budget.

d)  Select repertoire suitable for each performance and the ability level of the Choir.

e)   Maintain the Choir's Welsh Heritage by selecting one (1) Welsh song each term (may be sung in English or Welsh).

f)    Plan and conduct all rehearsals and concerts as well as schedule extra rehearsals as needed to ensure quality performances.

g)   Provide practice recordings and/or music links for soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts for all songs being rehearsed each term.

h)   Monitor singers and create a seating plan so each member is placed in the optimal environment with the Choir.

i)    Assist the Treasurer and President with the annual budget process.

j)    Attend monthly Board meetings.

k)  Attend the Annual General Meeting in June as a non-voting member and present a Music Director’s report, summarizing the highlights of the season.

l)    Help to find musicians who can collaborate with our Choir for concerts.

m)  Liaise closely with the Accompanist and musicians hired for concerts.


    The Music Director should possess the following experience and skills: 

·       Accomplished musical ability with experience in conducting adult choral ensembles.

·       Broad knowledge of standard and diverse choral repertoire and the ability to plan concerts.

·       Ability to conduct well-organized rehearsals in an engaging and educational manner with a goal towards optimal learning.

·       Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively and collaboratively with our accompanist, singers, hired professional musicians, Executive Board Members and donors.

·       Ability to lead in a positive, participatory and democratic manner.

·       Engaging personality, patience, enthusiasm and a good sense of humour.

·       Established contacts in the local music community.



The accompanist is selected with a majority vote of approval by the Board following an interview and audition. The terms of the position are outlined in a written contract, which is signed by the Accompanist and President of the Choir. The contract is for one Choir season and is subject to renewal at the end of each season. The Accompanist is accountable to the Board and needs its approval in all aspects of the position.  

    The Accompanist will:

a)   Adhere to the Articles and Bylaws of the Choir.

b)   Be welcome to collaborate with the Director in selecting a repertoire suitable for each performance and at the ability level of the Choir.

c)   Liaise closely with the Music Director.

d)  Accompany the Choir at all Tuesday evening rehearsals between September and the end of May from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., extra sectional rehearsals, 2 main concerts (typically a weekend afternoon or evening) and several outreach concerts throughout the year (e.g. at hospitals, retirement and nursing homes).

e)  Work effectively and respectfully with musicians hired for concerts.

    The Accompanist should posses the following education and skills:

·       Bachelor’s degree in music and/or strong background in piano accompaniment.

·       Accomplished musical ability with experience in accompanying adult choral ensembles.

·       Previous experience playing a variety of music styles and should be familiar with choral warm-up techniques.

·       Must be comfortable playing with a rhythm section and in occasional solo passages.

·       Strong open score reading skills are essential.

·       Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively and collaboratively with the Music Director, Choir members, hired professional musicians and Board members.

·       Positive personality, patience, enthusiasm, and a sense of humour.



    The position of Librarian will also be elected at the Annual General Meeting.  

    The Librarian will:

a)   Maintain the Choir’s music inventory.

b)   Distribute and collect music from members throughout the season.

c)   Stamp all music with the Choir logo.



The focus of the Section Leaders is to monitor the attendance of the Choir members in their section (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). They will also act as communicators to relay messages involving their section to its members. 

    The Section Leader will:

a)   Take weekly attendance for their section in an annual logbook.

b)   Report any extended or persistent absenteeism to a member of the Board.

c)   Under the direction of the Music Director, the President or a committee chair, relay messages to the members of their section by phone or email.